Boating statistics for Australia in 2023 - boat ownership, incidents and activity

boating statistics report Australia

Boating is more than a leisure pursuit in Australia; it's a tradition rooted in history and a notable driver of the nation's economy. With a vast coastline extending over 25,000 kilometers, coupled with picturesque islands, rivers, and estuaries, Australia is truly a haven for boaters. This extensive and varied aquatic terrain has elevated boating into a favoured hobby and a crucial commercial sector.

The prominence of boating is highlighted by the escalating boat ownership trends in Australia. In 2023, the country saw boat ownership soar to a record high, mirroring the enduring affinity Australians have with the water, particularly as over 80% of the population resides in coastal regions​.

Boating not only epitomises relaxation but also signifies a flourishing industry that contributes considerably to the Australian economy. The sector showcased a strong national turnover of $9.64 billion for the fiscal span of 2022-23, signalling a vibrant industry on an positive trajectory.

Moreover, the boating ecosystem in Australia is eclectic, encompassing recreational sailors, angling aficionados, competitive sailors, and commercial operators, all coexisting in the waterways with a spirit of camaraderie and shared respect. The boating fraternity is also increasingly aware of its environmental impact, with endeavours like electric boating gaining momentum to advocate for eco-friendly boating practices.

Understanding the statistics of boating in Australia is pivotal for a range of stakeholders, including policymakers, businesses of all sizes, and boating enthusiasts. It showcases the industry’s expansion, the safety protocols instituted, the economic influence, and the evolving trends that are defining the future of boating in Australia.

Key Boating Statistics for Australia

Boat Registrations

In 2023, Australia witnessed a significant number of boat registrations with 905,000 registered boats and 15,000+ new registrations over the year​.

Boating Accidents

The 2023 National Drowning Report from Royal Life Saving Australia showed that 281 people drowned in Australian waterways​, with approximately 17% attributed to boating, fishing and watercraft related incidents.

Boat Sales

The boating industry in Australia showed a national turnover of $9.64 billion for 2022-23​, according to data collated by the Boating Industry Association of Australia.

boating data and statistics australia

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DECKEE provides governments, consultants, and industry with insights about where, when, and how people move around the waterways. Unlock the power of billions of privacy-approved data points so you can make smarter decisions for economic, safety and environmental outcomes.

Boat Ownership in Australia - State Breakdown

In a nation of 25.7 million people, a remarkable total of over 2.5 million Australians are licensed boat operators, indicating a profound interest for boating across the country. The fascination with boating transcends from the northwest regions of Western Australia to the serene southeast coasts of Victoria. Here’s a dive into the boat ownership landscape and vessel registration data across various states, highlighting the regional nuances.


Queensland leads the chart with 979,000 licensed boaters and a fleet of 274,000 registered vessels. As of July 2022, no other state could rival Queensland in terms of licensed boaters and registered vessels. The enticing weather of QLD paired with abundant access to picturesque beaches, tranquil lakes and rivers, makes this statistic a less surprising one. Learn more

New South Wales

Following closely is New South Wales, where 542,000 individuals are licensed to operate boats, and the state harbours 241,000 registered vessels. NSW stands as the runner-up after Queensland in the boat license department, boasting a substantial number of over half a million licensed individuals. The state’s vessel registration figure reflects a vibrant boating culture akin to its northern neighbour. Learn more


Venturing into Victoria, we find 438,000 licensed boaters and 194,000 registered vessels navigating the state’s waters. Mirroring the enthusiasm of their NSW counterparts, Victorians exhibit a keen interest in water-bound adventures. Learn more

South Australia

Southern Australia, with its awe-inspiring coastline, hosts 303,000 licensed boaters and a modest 58,000 registered vessels. Despite the captivating coastal allure, the vessel registration figures in SA are markedly lower than those in QLD, NSW, and Victoria, hinting at varied boating preferences and other maritime factors. Learn more

Western Australia

Crossing over to Western Australia, 281,000 licensed boaters and 100,000 registered vessels paint a picture of a thriving boating scene, enhanced by the state’s enchanting coastline and pristine waterways. The boat license figures here mirror those of SA, yet the vessel registration is notably higher, showcasing almost double the number of registered vessels in comparison to SA. Learn more


Tasmania, with its modest population and cooler climes, sees 62,000 licensed boaters and 31,000 registered vessels traversing its tranquil waterways. Despite its smaller demographic and cooler temperatures, the data, representing about 11% of the Tasmanian population, eloquently echoes Australia’s overarching affection for boating. Learn more

Northern Territory

Lastly, the unique maritime framework of the Northern Territory stands out as it doesn’t necessitate a boat license for sailing or vessel registration. While the NT is an exception in our boat license and registration review, it's crucial for potential boaters to be well-versed with the local maritime laws to ensure a safe and lawful boating experience in these waters. Learn more

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DECKEE provides governments, consultants, and industry with insights about where, when, and how people move around the waterways. Unlock the power of billions of privacy-approved data points so you can make smarter decisions for economic, safety and environmental outcomes.

Technology Advancements in Boating

The boating industry is riding the wave of technological innovation, making strides in various aspects ranging from automation to sustainability. In 2023, significant advancements have been noted, underlining the industry's commitment to enhancing the boating experience while addressing environmental and economic challenges.

Autonomous Systems in Boating

The year 2023 has seen automation technology making a significant splash in the boating industry. Boats are now being equipped with self-docking systems, collision avoidance technology, and autopilot features, which enhance both the convenience and safety for boat owners.

Fuel Efficiency and Alternative Fuels

With fuel prices soaring, fuel efficiency has become a paramount consideration for boaters. The boating industry is also feeling the ripple effects of the increasing fuel prices, pushing towards the adoption of alternative fuels and more fuel-efficient engines. The rise in diesel engines, known for their improved fuel efficiency, longer lifespan, lower emissions, and reliability, is one such trend reflecting this shift​​.

Electric Boating and Propulsion Systems

The swift advancement of electric propulsion systems is revolutionizing the boating landscape. Improved battery technology is extending range capabilities, allowing for longer journeys without frequent recharging. Additionally, the advent of foiling electric powerboats on hydrofoils, which significantly reduce drag in the water once lifted at foiling speed, is a striking innovation in 2023​​.

Eco-Friendly Initiatives

Concerns about the environmental impact of boating have catalysed a series of eco-friendly initiatives within the industry. From manufacturers creating more energy-efficient boats to the growing interest in eco-friendly options, the boating sector is steering towards a greener future.

Smart Boating Technologies

The integration of smart technologies in boating is enhancing the overall experience. These include sophisticated navigation systems, smart maintenance systems that provide real-time diagnostics, and digital platforms that offer streamlined boat rental and sharing solutions.

Community Engagement and Safety Innovations

Safety remains a priority in boating, with the industry continuously innovating to ensure the wellbeing of boaters. Technology like kill switches and "man-overboard" alarms are becoming more common, significantly improving safety on the waters.

Policy Adaptations and Regulatory Compliance

The technological advancements in boating also necessitate a review and adaptation of existing policies and regulations. Ensuring compliance with evolving safety and environmental standards is crucial for the sustained growth and reputation of the boating industry.

The technological tide is reshaping the boating industry in Australia, offering a glimpse into an exciting future characterized by innovation, sustainability, and enhanced safety measures.

How DECKEE Provides Detailed Reports for Boating Activity

The DECKEE platform has gathered billions of activity data points through usage of the DECKEE mobile app, resulting in the world's largest repository of privacy-approved data points on waterway behaviour. Over 1 million new data points are generated daily, revealing the full picture of what is happening on the waterways.

This data unlocks unprecedented insights and entirely new ways to measure and influence desired behaviour, whilst delivering real-time awareness for app users and supporting organisations, keeping them safe and informed on the water.

Benefits of Boating Behaviour Data

Behaviour data refers to information gathered about individuals based on their actions, interactions, and choices, while demographic data focuses on characteristics such as age, gender, location, and income. While both types of data have their uses, behaviour data offers several distinct advantages over demographic data, including real-time insights, personalisation, predictive power, targeted outreach and customer journey mapping, enhanced product development, data-driven decision making, and adapting to changing trends.

Objectives and Method

The objective of DECKEE boating reports for Australian waterways is to enhance the current knowledge and understanding of existing waterway user behaviour across environment, watercraft, and operator variables.

The method involves the process of collecting privacy-approved, geospatial behaviour data from boaters using the DECKEE mobile application. By leveraging the capabilities of the app and GPS technology, this method allows for the collection of real-time and location-specific data, providing valuable insights into boating behaviour and patterns.

Ask Us About Australian Boating Reports

DECKEE provides governments, consultants, and industry with insights about where, when, and how people move around the waterways. Unlock the power of billions of privacy-approved data points so you can make smarter decisions for economic, safety and environmental outcomes.

boat environment impact

Environmental Impact of Boating in Australia

The environmental footprint of boating activities is a matter of growing concern and scrutiny. As Australia navigates towards a greener future, understanding the environmental impact of boating is crucial for sustainable practices within this sector.

Boat Emission Statistics

Traditional boats powered by internal combustion engines are known to release a range of pollutants detrimental to both air quality and human health. Besides carbon dioxide (CO2), these engines emit harmful pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)​1​. These emissions not only contribute to the global greenhouse gas inventory but also pose serious health risks to individuals, especially in densely populated coastal areas.

Water Pollution

Boating activities can also lead to water pollution. Oil spills, fuel leakage, and the release of antifouling paints into water bodies are common sources of pollution associated with boating. These substances can have adverse effects on marine life and ecosystems. Promoting cleaner boating practices and technologies is essential to mitigate water pollution.

Noise Pollution

The noise generated by boat engines can have adverse effects on marine life, disrupting their communication, behavior, and even breeding patterns. Implementing quieter engine technologies and promoting respectful boating practices in sensitive marine areas can help alleviate noise pollution.

Eco-friendly Boating Initiatives

The Boating Industry Association has initiated steps towards promoting environmentally responsible practices within the industry through the launch of the "Sustainability in the Boating Industry Award. Furthermore, the emergence of electric boating in 2023 as a sustainable and viable choice for boaters signifies a positive stride towards reducing the environmental impact of boating. With advancements in technology, electric boating offers improved performance and a commitment to environmental stewardship, poised to reshape the boating industry for a greener future​.

Waste Management

Effective waste management practices on board can significantly reduce the environmental impact of boating. This includes proper disposal of trash, recycling where possible, and managing sewage disposal responsibly to prevent pollution in water bodies.

Community Awareness and Education

Engaging the boating community in environmental conservation efforts is crucial. Educational campaigns on the environmental impacts of boating and how individuals can contribute to minimizing these impacts play a vital role in fostering a culture of responsible boating.

Policy and Regulation

The implementation of stringent environmental regulations and guidelines can drive the adoption of eco-friendly boating practices. This includes emissions standards, waste disposal regulations, and incentives for adopting green boating technologies.

Enquire now about Boating Insights for Australia

DECKEE provides governments, consultants, and industry with insights about where, when, and how people move around the waterways. Unlock the power of billions of privacy-approved data points so you can make smarter decisions for economic, safety and environmental outcomes.